Akire Of Ikireland Confers Late Sen. Isiaka Adeleke With Posthumous Award, Described Him As A Rare Patriot


It was an agog celebration as Akire Of Ikireland, His Royal Majesty, Oba Olatunde Falabi Olambeloye III celebrate the 30th coronation anniversary and conferment of Honourary and a posthumous award to selected dignitaries under the aegis of Oba Falabi Foundation. Speaking at the ceremony, His Royal Majesty, Oba Olatunde Falabi said the awards underline his administration’s efforts to promote excellence, hard work, patriotism, inclusion, and sustainable development. He claimed that Late Sen. Isiaka Adeleke handed over the staff of office to him as the Governor of Osun state. He stressed that Late Isiaka Adeleke is a thoroughbred politician, a philanthropist whose footprints would ever remain indelible in the sands of time.

The Deputy Governor, His Excellency, Prince Kola Adewusi received the Award on behalf of the family of the Osun state Government. He appreciated Akire of Ikireland for his thoughtfulness and outstanding leadership. He noted that the posthumous award is well deserved because Late Isiaka Adeleke worked very hard throughout his lifetime and was a man who prioritized serving his people, even in his last days. He was truly a patriot, a visionary, and a charismatic leader, who lived his life for the people's welfare and community development.

Akogun Lere Oyewumi also eulogized late Sen. Isiaka Adeleke as a great leader, community leader, and peacemaker, who had bequeathed lots of legacies before his departure. Akogun Lere Oyewumi noted that political leaders had a lot to learn from the dint of hard work exhibited by the late Sen. Isiaka Adeleke, who was able to harness the challenges of his time to train and equip his followers. He added that Adeleke had in no small measure contributed to the growth and development of Osun state. May the soul of the quintessential leader continue to rest in peace.


Akogun Media Hub


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