Gov Adeleke SSA on Student Matters Pays Courtesy Visit to Osun State Health Technology, Ilesa, Commends Provost's Leadership and Institutional Developments


As part of my responsibilities as the Senior Special Assistant on Student Matters to the Executive Governor of Osun State, I recently paid a courtesy visit to Osun State Health Technology in Ilesa. The visit was aimed at assessing the state of the institution, understanding the needs and concerns of the students, and fostering a closer relationship between the state government and the institution.

Upon arrival, I was warmly received by the Provost of the institution, Dr. Lateef Olarewaju Raheem. The welcome was not only cordial but also reflective of the institution’s culture of hospitality and academic excellence. Dr. Raheem delivered an insightful and comprehensive as welcome address, highlighting the strides made by the institution under his leadership.

In my address, I conveyed greetings from the Executive Governor, who also serves as the Visitor to the institution. I emphasized that our administration is deeply committed to the development and well-being of students across all institutions in Osun State. The Governor’s vision is to create an enabling environment where education can thrive, ensuring that students have the necessary resources and support to excel in their academic pursuits.

During the meeting, Dr. Raheem elaborated on several key developments that have taken place at Osun State Health Technology, Ilesa. He detailed the infrastructural improvements, including the renovation of existing facilities, accreditation of courses and the construction of new buildings to accommodate the growing student population. These developments are pivotal in providing a conducive learning environment and ensuring that the institution meets the educational standards required to produce competent health professionals.

Additionally, Dr. Raheem discussed the introduction of new academic programs designed to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare sector. These programs are tailored to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle contemporary health challenges. The Provost also highlighted ongoing efforts to secure accreditations for these programs, which will enhance the institution’s reputation and attract more students.

Furthermore, Dr. Raheem commended the students for their cooperation and the spirit of sportsmanship they have exhibited. He acknowledged their active participation in both academic and extracurricular activities, which has significantly contributed to the vibrant campus life. The students’ dedication to their studies and their involvement in community service projects reflect the values of diligence and social responsibility that the institution aims to instill.

In my response, I expressed my admiration for the Provost’s leadership and the remarkable progress the institution has made. I assured the college of state  government's unwavering support in their endeavors. It is our collective goal to ensure that every student in Osun State has access to quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

In conclusion, the visit to Osun State Health Technology, Ilesa, was a testament to the state government’s commitment to education and student welfare. The progress made by the institution under Dr. Raheem’s leadership is commendable, and with continued support, there is no doubt that it will achieve even greater heights. I look forward to more such visits and continued collaboration to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.



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